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Naked Kinermony

Shadow Flies

Naked Kinermony

Naked Cascade

Shadow Flies

Naked Cascade

The Solar Monkey Salmon Fly

Shadow Flies

Solar Monkey

Naked Alistair

Shadow Flies

Naked Alistair

Solar Cascade

Shadow Flies

Solar Cascade

Highland Spring

Shadow Flies

Highland Spring

Spider Monkey

Shadow Flies

Spider Monkey

Cascade Variant - Salar

Cascade Variant - Salar

The latest variation on the extremely popular Cascade.   Sparsely tied these are fantastic summer flies that you can feel hugely confident using in all sizes.   Boar bristle feelers give it added appeal.   Stock up whilst you have the chance as when...
Mercenary - Salar

Shadow Flies

Mercenary - Salar

The Mercenary Salmon Fly was designed by Peter Sheldon a prolific catcher of Salmon the length and breadth of Scotland.  It is as effective for Sea Trout as it is for Salmon and will get a fish when other options have failed.   Justin Maxwell Stuart from...
Flame Thrower - Patriot

Shadow Flies

Flame Thrower - Patriot

The Flamethower has since its introduction become an enormously successful Salmon Fly.  Combining hot orange with JC eyes and tied on a silver Salar Hook this fly has quickly become the first option for many knowledgeable salmon anglers.  It is...
Park Shrimp - Patriot

Shadow Flies

Park Shrimp - Patriot

The Park Shrimp Salmon Fly employs universally successful colours and should be considered a firm favourite for any fly box. Created by Ross Macdonald this fly has successfully migrated from its country of origin in the Highlands of Scotland, named after...